Sunday, July 21, 2013

Home Stretch!

What a project team!  Things are moving along smoothly so far. We’re in the home stretch now!

There are a few things we need to get in place before Mom arrives at Atria

Shelley – I think these are things you could speak to your contacts at Atria about:

  1.  Atria should be informed that we have a scheduled arrival date for Mom. Our flight (#1271) on Delta is scheduled to depart at 11:48 and arrive at JFK 2:44 on Tuesday July 30.  Lee will have a car at the airport so we will go directly to Atria from the Airport. 
  2. Do you have a list of things that Mom should have with her when she arrives at Atria (paperwork, checkbook, meds, etc)? Please share it so that I can make sure we have everything in place for her. 
  3.  It would be best if we could get some random furniture (Arm Chair, Snack Table, TV) over to Atria prior to her arrival, if at all possible.  Is this possible or do we have to wait until July 30th?  See list below and let us know if there are other things she might need.
  4. Cable and phone service – does Atria have the numbers to call to arrange for this? 
  5.   Atria should be informed that the movers will arrive with her belongings on August 8 or 9.

 If we can get the info about cable and phone service, I will make the call to arrange for service for her.

Eric – please make sure Mom has the title, etc for the car so you can work on the transfer of ownership when it gets to NY. Also, please find out about what needs to be done about returning plates and cancelling the car insurance.

I think someone should be on site with Mom when the movers arrive (Aug 8 or 9) . Lee & Debbie will be on vacation then. Would someone else like to volunteer?

Things needed on site day 1
a.    Snack table/card table
b. Armchair 
c.     Television 
d.    Coffee maker 
e.     Twin size sheets 
f.     Does anyone think of something else that should be on site from the start?

Anything else anyone can think of, please let us know.


  1. I'm on it. I'll give Theresa a call tomorrow and she can direct me to anyone else I need to talk to. Off the top of my head though, even if your flight arrives on time I wouldn't expect you to get to Atria before 4:30 at the earliest. If there are any delays than Mom will arrive after "business hours". She needs to sign the contract and get a key etc. etc. I'll check on all the details.

  2. We have twin sheets, snack table, bridge table, as well as two barrel chairs from our old living room furniture. Hopefully Mom can sit in these chairs. If not, they can at least fill her living room until we get her a couch.

    As for TV, we can bring our small flat screen from kitchen until her TV arrives.

    Does anyone have a chair with arms for the kitchen?

    We'd like to bring stuff over next Saturday if possible. Shelley, can you check on this when you speak to Atria?

  3. Will do. I'll add it to my list of questions. Anything else?

  4. Mom told me yesterday she has the title for the car.

  5. We just be following your lead, boss.

  6. Also Mom recieved the Claims package from National States (Long term care) I told here to put with papers to bring with her. we will take care of them when she gets up here.

  7. Car pickup is set!!!
    Monday 7/29/13
    they will call friday and let us (mom) know what time on monday they are coming to get car.
    Total cost $500.00 COD(in new york)
    Reliable: per name ODI 1-800-444-8308
    confirmation being emailed will post.

  8. Theresa is off today. I can talk to Ellie if time is important but otherwise I'll wait until tomorrow and talk to Theresa.


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